Monday, October 6, 2008

Called to Worship

This is my first post on another site but I have lost all my sign in information and decided to just start over again(obviously this has been a bone of contention in the past as this is attempt number 3). So, here is my fresh start.

Why were we created? We were created to worship our God, Jesus Christ. We were not created so that we could be good and get to go to Heaven; that is just a bonus. We were created to worship God in the way we treat people, the way we behave, by giving 10% of what we make to Him, by thanking Him for all He has done and will do to look after us and for so many other reasons so very like that.

Worshipping God is not just standing in a church and singing. Yes, God loves to hear our praises that way; He comes down and abides in our worship/praises but, as I said before, worship is more than singing. Worship is an attitude; worship is a way of life.So many people give their lives to God for the wrong reason. They are lead incorrectly to do so. They are lead to give their lives to God so that they can get to Heaven and that is not the purpose for giving yourself to Him. The reason to give yourself to God is to worship Him for what and who He is. He is our King. We are His people. People would bow and humble themselves before the King of England, just a man. Why is it so hard to do this for God?

Too many modern Christians have a take/give relationship with God. They live His word, somewhat, and pray to Him to get what they want. They pray for Him to give them stuff. They take and take and take from God and don't expect to have to give Him anything. God will bless you but that is not the reason to become a christian. We are supposed to give of ourselves to Him and we will be blessed because of it. Our motives need to be selfless. We need to die to ourselves and to be willing to do what God asks of us. Ask God what He wants from us, what we can do FOR Him and not the other way around.We need to change our focus from ourselves and on to God. Instead of praying "Fix me... Give me...", we need to pray "Thank you for...Bless you for...You are awesome and holy...". Turn the focus for me, me, me to Him.

I know that this is just my opinion and that I have no scriptural backing in this post but, this is my first post and I just wanted to get something written down to get a good start. This has been sitting very heavy in my spirit for a long time now and it needed to be released. I do not want to use this site as a judgmental site to say I am better than you or vice versa. What I want from this is just a place to air what I feel about God and what I have learned. Maybe I will add insight to some, maybe I will let others know that someone feels the same way and I know that I will probably irritate others and perhaps, I can learn from someone as well. Not everyone I meet agrees with what I have to say and I accept that.

Please don't use this site as a place to slander others; I will not tolerate that and any comments of that nature will be deleted. Please do not come on here and attack my beliefs; we can discuss them maturely and I know, like I said not every commenter will agree with what or how I say something. I am not here to attack your beliefs; I am here just to voice mine. Thank you for respecting me and this space when making comments and for keeping comments clean and for respecting other people's feelings and beliefs.

Originally written July 21, 2006

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